
Friday, October 16, 2020

Our Library Bag: October 2020

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Library days are always good days.  

Our library bag, as always, is overflowing with books.  This month we also borrowed some movies.  After reading all of the Hunger Games books last month I was curious to re-watch/watch them.  The ever-present bibliophile complaint, that the movies can't even begin to compare to the books, holds true--but overall I thought that they were done fairly well. 



Troubled Blood by Robert Galbraith

I intensely dislike when authors let you inside the characters' heads until they make the final deduction.  After 850 pages of being privy to so very many of Robin and Strikes' private thoughts, being excluded for the denouement is just . . . irritating and insulting.  Also, enough with the "will they/won't they" relationship!  That being said, Galbraith knows how to tell a story and I am already looking forward to the next book.     

If you're curious, I totally finished in time. 


Steelheart Book Cover

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

I had a little bit of difficulty immersing myself into this book at first.  Last year I read, and really enjoyed, the Renegades Trilogy.  (It made my Top Five Books of 2019.)  This book felt oddly similar early on.  (In fairness, Steelheart came first.)  I did get into it eventually and am now looking forward to continuing the series.


Fall Picture Books

The kids and I are enjoying all of our old fall favorites while discovering some new ones!  Sarah Mackenzie's September and October picture book lists are fantastic.  Based on how many holds are placed on these books once Sarah's list hits my email, I know that there are other RAR devotees local to me.  I'm tempted to put little notes into the books saying something to the effect of, "We like the same books, let's be friends!" But I worry that it might be too bizarre . . . 

What is in your library bag this month?

Our Library Bag Collage: With Fall Picture Books, Steelheart, and Troubled Blood