
Monday, June 13, 2011

Adventures From the Comforts of My Couch

This past weekend I finished not one, not two, but three novels.

It has been ages since I have been able to do that! Granted, they were easy reads--from the Young Adult section of the library--but I was able to read for fun!

I've always loved reading. At a very young age I found out that the library had a limit on how many books I could check out at a time. My favorites then were Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Boxcar Children, Happy Hollisters, Bobbsey Twins, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Louisa May Alcott among so many others! The mystery lover in me turned to Agatha Christie in my teens--my personal collection of books is missing very few titles of hers. Sadly, in my late teens and college years I just did not have the time to read as profusely (see previous post about work). I did my best to keep up with the vast amount of reading required for classes--in true English major fashion, I almost always succeeded in my Literature classes. (How I loved those classes!) Shortly after getting married life gave us some rather unexpected twists and turns, which made our local library our number one stop for entertainment. I was hooked into reading for pleasure all over again! I devoured the Twilight Saga, discovered James Patterson, enjoyed biographies, and so much more! More recently, I was so nauseated for most of my pregnancy that I didn't want to do anything after getting home other than watch tv. Post-pregnancy I had a Baby that didn't sleep and then I was also working. So reading for pleasure was a lost pastime. Now that I am not earning a paycheck and Catherine can entertain herself for short periods of time I can read again!

This week's fascinations are: the Maximum Ride series and anything by Rick Riordan--just finished the Percy Jackson series and absolutely loved it. I have updated my library card and am makings lists for a visit this afternoon!


  1. Hardy Boys, Hollaaaaah!!!!!

  2. I have heard nothing but good things about the Percy Jackson series from kids 11-16 but wasn't sure if I would enjoy them. Adding them to my library list now! Have you read The Help? Just finished it and enjoyed it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!