
Friday, September 12, 2014

7 Quick Takes: What I've Been Reading

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1.  I've mentioned it before, but I really enjoy Rick Riodan's children's book.  I just finished House of Hades and I can't wait for the next book to come out!  I must say though, while these are considered "children's" I don't think I'd hand them over to just any kid -- many of the themes are a bit too grown up.  This particular book is even more for the older crowd than any of the previous books, in my humble opinion.

2.  While browsing the 700's aisle at the library I came across this crochet book: Crochet-opedia: The Only Crochet Reference You'll Ever Need .  While I haven't come across any stunning new information or techniques, the book is well put together with lots of information from basic to advanced, and has great pictures. 

3.  I also picked up Seed Bead Fusion.  I don't know if I'll get around to creating any of the projects in this book, but it's just so much fun to look at the pictures! 

4.  I'm about four chapters into Heist Society.  So far it is proving to be entertaining. (Yep, it's another young adult book.  I love YA fiction.)

5.  It would no longer be 7 Quick Takes if I listed all the children's books we've been reading this week, but Never Ask a Bear is one that we've read quite a bit.

6.  We also checked out just about every book on bees from one of the (smaller) branches of our library.  I think we will be having quite the unit study on bees next week.

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7. Have I mentioned how much I love the library?  

For more Quick Takes visit Jen!

1 comment:

  1. I love the library, too! I am ashamed to say that I have not yet read Riordan. I have the first one on my bookcase. Seed Bead Fusion is a cool book, but I haven't had the courage to actually make anything from it. Let us know if you do.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!