
Friday, April 17, 2015

Seven Quick Takes

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1.  I've been busy crocheting with my lovely yarn from Tinted Tangles.  Here's a little teaser:

2.  I'm hosting an awesome yarn giveaway, be sure to enter. (Ends 4/19/15, so make sure to enter right now!)
3.  Dominic has learned how to climb.  Yesterday he climbed over multiple strategic barriers (the ones to keep him away from things like wires, computers, and kitchen drawers) and climbed onto the couch.  He also has an amazing reach when it comes to the dining room table.  Life just got a bit more crazy.

4.  If you could only follow one Pinterest board, which would it be?

5.  I'm working on a blog post about the matching Mother & Daughter Easter dresses, but I can't resist sharing this photo of Catherine and Dominic wearing their Easter duds.

6.  I'll be moving this summer, and I'm thinking that gives me the perfect opportunity to whittle away at my wardrobe.  Laura has inspired me to work on my own "battle against frumpiness and clutter".  Now, I don't personally want a truly minimalist wardrobe -- yet? now? ever? maybe? -- but I do want to part with a bit and we shall see where that leads me.

7.  Just curious, (if you're in a similar state of life) what do you do during library story time?  Do you sit on the floor and participate in the singing and dancing?  Do you read?  Catch up on Facebook?  Or just sit, bored?  Normally when we go I spend my time wrangling Dominic while Catherine attentively participates.  This week he fell asleep in the Beco carrier, so I had a bit more leeway in deciding what to do.  I settled on reading, because I rarely get a half an hour of practically uninterrupted reading time.  What do you do?


  1. Very cute Easter picture.
    When mine were little. I always participated during library time because I loved doing it! I think that when they got to be 4 and 5 I pulled back. Right now. I'm using Pinterest to find recipes with chia seeds.

  2. I just LOVE that color you are working with from Tinted Tangles! Can't wait to see the piece you are working on when it's complete;
    Uh-oh! Terrible 2's time?;
    I just love the "Easter duds"! I just started getting into sewing. Your work is very encouraging! Such beautiful pieces.;
    Moving is much better than the Spring cleaning mode that many of us are in. To take it all? Or not to take it all? That is the question. Hehe.
    Thanks for sharing!


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