
Thursday, November 19, 2015

7 Quick Takes

This post contains affiliate links.  
I very much appreciate you using them now, later, and any time. 
It would be so amazing if you could do some Christmas shopping through my links.  
It helps me out so much, and doesn't cost you a thing!  Thank you!

1.  I know Thanksgiving is next week, but I was browsing through some vintage postcards on Pinterest and thought that this one was timely.  My five year old wants to know why we don't send Thanksgiving cards.  I told her it just isn't part of the Turkey Day Tradition, but after looking through all of the postcards I wonder if it's lost tradition.  Have you sent Thanksgiving cards?  Would you if it were "normal"?  Would you think it strange to receive one?

2. The kids have been having "Pretzel Time" this week.  It's actually pretty darn adorable.  They sit together in little chairs and a makeshift table.  The table is actually one of these.  It was totally one of those "Mommy-wanted-one-as-a-kid-and-never-got-one-so-you-can-have-it" yard sale purchases.  Totally worth the $1 we spent on it.  What did toys reach out to your unfulfilled inner child?  

3.  Coloring.  It's not just for kids.

4. Who is making Christmas gifts this year?  There's something about using the Advent season, a time of preparing, as a time of handcrafting gifts for loved ones.  There's also something about those who don't plan far enough ahead and are trying to calculate how many of these projects will actually be completed before The Big Day.

5. I've been doing a bit of sewing recently.  I'm totally loving having a serger!  I have a backlog of projects to photograph and share!  I've also jumped into the black hole of custom printed knits.  My first package is due to arrive today.  I'm excited and nervous.  Have you ever sewn with custom fabric?

6.  Dominic has just discovered that he loves storytime.  Goodnight Moon and Hippos Go Berserk are read about 7,962 times a day right now in my house.  His favorite pages just happen to be the ones with balloons.  What stories have your children made you read over and over and over and over and over?

7.  If you, or someone you know, likes yarn then you should enter the giveaway that I'm hosting!

I'm linking up with Kelly.


  1. We have always sent cards to close family members, but not in the quantity we do at Christmas. In general I much prefer the vintage type cards and postcards similar to the one you pictured and I often wish they were reproduced and availableĺ locally. Darlene P.

  2. One year I knitted Christmas gifts for almost everyone on our list. I started in February and I just barely finished in time. It really does take a billion times longer than you think it will!

  3. I'm trying to get some knitted gifts done this year; as usual my queue is longer than there are days left LOL

  4. I haven't sent out Thanksgiving cards in a long time but we still send out Christmas Cards, even though I see less being sent out every year.

  5. I've never sent Thanksgiving cards. I probably would if it were "normal". I don't remember ever receiving one :)

  6. I will have to check out the book, "Hippos Go Berserk."


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love reading each and every one!