A long time ago, in a
4-H office far, far away a little girl learned how to crochet.

I still remember struggling to get my pink (of course!) yarn to glide around my hook the way the instructor showed me. Eventually, I managed to produce a workable chain and even the basic single stitch. It took me almost a week to complete that pink potholder. It wasn't quite a square and it wasn't quite anything else, but I finished it and got a red ribbon at the county fair. But, to use a (really) bad pun, I was hooked. I got books out of the library and had the opportunity to observe a family friend--one of the moms at our homeschool co-op--work magic with a hook and yarn. As a kid I mostly made baby blankets, pot holders, doll clothes, and a handful of (basic) doilies. I improved drastically from that first pink potholder. I even won a couple of trophies. (I think they are still on a shelf in my (pink) childhood bedroom). Then I went away for college and got super busy working. That pretty effectively put a damper on my crocheting time. I started a handful of projects, but only a couple ever got completed.
Fast forward a number of years to now . . . I am (almost) all grown up, my husband only has a dissertation standing between him and his doctorate, I have a little girl of my own, and once again have a little time on my hands. (In the midst of the craziness that comes from having a toddler!) I found one of my old hooks (strangely enough, the only one of my old set I could find was pink!). I found a couple of half-finished projects and began finishing them. Once again, I was hooked.
Crocheted Lemon Ruffle Scarf
Currently for sale in my Etsy shop. |
It took a couple of projects to get my skills back, but I think I found them. I received a high quality set of hooks for my birthday and lucked into a couple of really good yarn sales.
Here is my craft fair display after I sold a potholder,
four scarves, and a handful of cards. |
In November, I happened across a notice about a local craft fair and halfheartedly thought about renting a space. I put the notice in a pile and forgot about it until the week of the fair. I emailed the contact person and at first it looked like I was too late, but the Wednesday before she emailed me and said there was a cancellation and if I wanted I could participate. That Friday night before the fair, and the morning of, I was so nervous! I had never sold any of my things before, would anyone even be interested in what I had for sale? It would be a shame if I didn't make my deposit back, or even worse, what if none of my items sold? All my worrying was for naught, as I sold much more than I ever hoped I would. It was so much fun!

My success there led me to start an Etsy shop,
Scarves, Cards, and More. I also have a Facebook page; (I think I figured out how to add a like button. It should be to the right of this post. I'd love it if you "liked" me!)
I am really enjoying learning my craft again. It is so fascinating to turn a ball of yarn into something usable. Between the local library and the plethora of internet sources I have hundreds of ideas that I can't wait to try!